• The Frontman: The Fall Man; The Scapegoat

    I am developing compassion for the frontman. Once he/she recognizes the loathsome role they have been assigned by those who encouraged them, they would be better off not discussing it. For if they perceive their scapegoat is becoming uncomfortable rather than carrying out their task in blissful ignorance, history shows they will likely turn on… Continue Reading

  • Why Did Obama Sign a Law that Imprisons US Citizens without Due Process?

    Below is an interview with former NY Times journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner, Chris Hedges who with other journalists and activists, has filed a lawsuit in NY against President Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta for their bringing into law provision 1021 B2 of the NDAA. This interview occurred after recent oral arguments in the case were heard before the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on February 6, 2012.

  • Noam Chomsky on the Responsibility of Privilege

    This common mechanism in our culture has particulalr significance in the evolving world of social media, where group dynamics rapidly develop opinion through 140 characters of information, (on Twitter). But as Chomsky describes, very few people have the stomach to acknowledge the impact or workings of this industry,even though it is very transparent.