• The Heart is an Eye.

    The heart is an “eye”, (Octavio Paz).  If you stay connected to your heart, if you still feel, then you remain connected to what some call your natural intuition. Your heart is a brain. It allows you to sense what your mind might be too busy to perceive. Your heart is the foundation of your… Continue Reading

  • Podcast | A Pipeline of Boys in Poverty

    The podcast for Indelible, a documentary in progress for the week of February 20, 2019. After a long hiatus a podcast on my reasons for my commitment to this project. Why would anyone continue on a project amidst such danger and suffering? I am constantly asked this. And in December I had to seriously ask… Continue Reading

  • Podcast: Strategies of Control: The Sacred and Profane.

    The podcast for Indelible, a documentary media project in progress for the week of July 2, 2018. This podcast introduces new observations and reveals additional facts: The media and controlling the messengers: More facts regarding the death of Richard Lyall. Why RFK Jr’s bold move to ask that his father’s assassination case be reopened is important… Continue Reading

  • Podcast | A Human Being

    The Podcast for Indelible a documentary media project in progress for the week of March 8, 2018. This podcast discusses more details in the history of one of the survivor kid’s life, who currently sits in Federal Prison. It also discusses how we choose to demonize one killer and not another. It reflects upon the… Continue Reading

  • Be the Change You Want to See

    The title of this post is a quote from Gandhi. It inspired a man from Ireland, Mark Boyle, to live without money for one year. He has never been happier. You can read his story here. i too was inspired by Gandhi’s words to undertake the development of Indelible, research based on my father’s initial efforts… Continue Reading

  • The U.S. Torture of American Dianna Ortiz

    In this video, American Dianna Ortiz, a catholic nun, discusses her experience with her colleagues. Here Ortiz is more transparent about both telling her experience of being tortured in Guatemala by police and a torture squad which was informed, funded, and managed by American personnel. And she describes how when she attempted in good faith… Continue Reading

  • The Seismic Shift of Choice.

    Hurricane Sandy ushered in a change in people’s lives beyond that which is brought by the force of wind and water. It may be merely symbolic, but since that day in late October a series of events occurred that seemed to show us the ills in our world, (the mass killing at Sandy Hook, the gang rapes ignored by authorities in India and Steubenville, OH). But if you look closely, a seismic shift has occurred and provided a small glimpse into how the escalation of corruption, cruelty, and the senseless destruction of life does not go on forever.

  • ZERO: Zone-Neutral Spaces in Locations of War

    A new proposal for National Geographic’s Expedition Granted ZERO provides an opening, a building, where on entering you are reminded of the beauty of being human. When you live in the midst of siege and destruction and you survive, one of the most difficult experiences is the feeling that you are no longer human; you… Continue Reading

  • Noam Chomsky on the Responsibility of Privilege

    This common mechanism in our culture has particulalr significance in the evolving world of social media, where group dynamics rapidly develop opinion through 140 characters of information, (on Twitter). But as Chomsky describes, very few people have the stomach to acknowledge the impact or workings of this industry,even though it is very transparent.

  • Three Voices, Not Silenced.

    Three former US government employees, from the Justice department, and the National Security Agency (NSA), witnessed unethical and illegal actions while employed. They spoke this week at the well known European conference for computer programmers and hackers, the annual Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, Germany, (#29c3).

  • Film: Delhi 6

    A film about the complexities within human communities and how fragile they can be. It is set in Delhi India. A young American with Indian roots returns to Delhi to accompany his grandmother on her final journey home. It interweaves media, religion, political power, family, fate, and the power of the dreaded black monkey…with stunning images and a beautiful soundtrack.

  • Dogville

    Dogville is a play on film. It is a philosophical story about the human desire to destroy someone whose only crime was to offer help and sacrifice. But the receivers of her gifts were not reflected well by her gifts, and so she became a pariah, the object of their hatred, and someone to be destoyed. In the end, everyone was lost, because she too, became a victim of her own weakness. Very complex ideas and thoughts on being human.