Transliteration: A War, A Language
Bumping up a post I wrote in 2009.
Bumping up a post I wrote in 2009.
I am reposting this link which discusses language translators, Russian language, and Glagolitsa, in honor of Jan Berdyszak, a mentor and great artist, from Poland. I miss him already.
пустые падает дождь как стекло заливки.
It is interesting to see what becomes of abstract meaning in language translations. Today I tried to find a point of equilibrium with abstract meaning, in a language translator. I had to work and refine both the English and Russian statements, until they reached an equilibrium, and both interpreted the statement with the same meaning. It was an interesting process.
Fred Wilson wrote on his blog, about being bored with Web 2.0. He mentioned he was going to Europe. I wrote a reply, which as I did so, reminded me of Glagolitsa. I am including part of my comment here, just for reference later. If you are going to include Eastern Europe, it would be… Continue Reading