• No Carrot Following

    It’s an important moment when you realize it is time to no longer follow the carrot that has been held out in front of you. How did you come to that moment in time? Perhaps by quietly  tracing from the carrot to the stick, to the arm, and then looking up at the face of… Continue Reading

  • The Seismic Shift of Choice.

    Hurricane Sandy ushered in a change in people’s lives beyond that which is brought by the force of wind and water. It may be merely symbolic, but since that day in late October a series of events occurred that seemed to show us the ills in our world, (the mass killing at Sandy Hook, the gang rapes ignored by authorities in India and Steubenville, OH). But if you look closely, a seismic shift has occurred and provided a small glimpse into how the escalation of corruption, cruelty, and the senseless destruction of life does not go on forever.

  • Emily’s Footsteps

    Periodically I think about Emily Bronte and stories about her I have read. She is my reminder of the importance of the integration of rhythm and nature, when I am working on something that is difficult. So I wrote a few paragraphs about her and uploaded 2 versions of a 17th century Irish poem presented… Continue Reading