• Wildness

    Wildness holds the beauty of the world. There are some who profit from or feel protected by the stillness of others; from knowing they are frozen in fear. They find a strange comfort in knowing that millions of people blindly donate their life’s blood, living only to maintain a pulse. To live in this life-fear… Continue Reading

  • ZERO: Zone-Neutral Spaces in Locations of War

    A new proposal for National Geographic’s Expedition Granted ZERO provides an opening, a building, where on entering you are reminded of the beauty of being human. When you live in the midst of siege and destruction and you survive, one of the most difficult experiences is the feeling that you are no longer human; you… Continue Reading

  • The iPad: Steve Jobs’ Gestural Glass

    With the iPad, Apple has created a new platform for viewing the world. It is like an old Xray film which the technician pulls out of a sheath allowing us to peer into our bodies and what lies beneath our skin. But in this case, we hold the film outward to envision and construct the world around us. The form of it is simple, visual and gestural, like a stroke in calligraphy.