Iceland: freedom, calamity, creatvity.

Someone (thx Tad), on FriendFeed just posted a link to this older Bjork video. It is mesmerizing; she breaks everything apart, (images, sounds, stereotypes, eggs đŸ˜‰ ),  into new “words”. Iceland has been on my mind lately, because of the news of the demise of their economy. The thought that no one would help them other than Russia, somehow seemed wrong. I read they played with more risk than most, and so offered other countries loans that were way over leveraged. It was said this was why no one would help; they were afraid of unpeeling the onion. But I digress. As it is the thought of this chaotic but beautiful place where someone like Bjork could emerge that intrigues me today.

Bjork in the video, Venus as a Boy:

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