Regarding Recent Sniper Shootings

Above: President Theodore Roosevelt and Friends.

It is important to not take news stories about the recent sniper incidents at face value. We really do not know what is behind these shootings. I have learned much about these types of events through the current project I am working on, ( Indelible ). It involves understanding one similar shooting, which occurred forty years ago. This type of incident, with a high-powered rifle and random targets, did not really happen before then. I am interested in this case, in part, because of the recent shootings. I can tell you from what I have learned from information gathered through Freedom of Information Act requests, that this early sniper incident, was not as it seemed. The man named as the shooter was not likely the shooter, and those with authority, were involved in targeting this man as the shooter. When he was about to get a speaking platform, he was, it appears, brutally murdered.

It may be useful to create fear in the public, and to blame shootings on useful targets. This is a terrible crime. But we should not blindly believe we understand what is really going on, and then give up our constitutional rights because we feel we must in order to be safe. Doing so only makes us more vulnerable. Removing fear from your experience, is an important first step. Never take an action, or make a decision when in a state of fear.

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