Goldman Sachs and Brexit: Revisiting 2007?

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This is what the chart for Goldman Sachs looked like in September 2007, just days before the public became aware of the crash of the housing market. It spiked, showing the anticipation of the profit they were going to make from the demise of the housing market. Don’t think because the market crashes that it hurts the banks. It doesn’t. They have invented forms of investments that allow them to profit when the market declines. They literally helped to design such crashes by creating these investments. They would not need these forms of investments if there was no way to profit from them. It is those holding the stocks, the unknowing little people they call “retail investors” who suffer. These are the some of the very people whose pensions were dissolved in the 1980’s by Reagan’s approval of policies which allowed for the creation of 401k plans–effectively transferring pensions into the markets and pleasing the investment banks. But now, over sixty percent of Americans have zero in savings because of the cost of living. They foolishly put their money into their homes as a savings plan. These are important events to remember if you consider that it is now these same banks who wanted the vote in the UK to be to “remain” in the EU.  Consider what others are saying: the vote to leave the EU was a vote to leave the control of the central banking cartel. Read more about the project.

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