
I embarked on a new project today. An experiment with voice. Each piece of the puzzle is less than ten minutes long, (called episodes), using voice, knowledge and experience to describe forms in the sciences, engineering and agriculture—all superimposed upon an abstract and artificial  financial “grid”. 

The Characters: 

William’s father James created machines without logic boards or fuel, relying only on the laws of physics. He had been the center of a movement inspired in part by Bronson Alcott’s “Fruitlands”, a failed experiment in farming in the 1800’s. But now, instead of soil, William’s fields are abstract and occupy databases in the bank where he works. He writes programs to remove milliseconds of time from trades in commodities, (corn, wheat, oil, gold; things that come from the earth). Ana is his niece, an eight year old girl who William taught to program. She has an important role in his other project—an idea that would soon change the way the world views exchange and potential. A world that is not based on abstraction, but instead respects the unique capacities of human beings when they are allowed to fully thrive. 

Note: Most of the links below need to be updated. The chapters on YouTube are still functioning:
Listen on YouTube.

On Apple iTunes:

On Podbean:

A production of N+Fold Media, a subsidiary of N+Fold, and the Artistic production of artist  Marta Lyall:

You can also find links and info on the Facebook Page for it:

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